Mega Man-esque Titles on Sale for Xbox One and Xbox 360
Xbox is holding a big sale on numerous titles across both the Xbox One and Xbox 360, and while none of them are Mega Man titles, there are a few bits of that Mega Man DNA sprinkled throughout.

I’ve made my thoughts and opinions known on Mighty No. 9; some love it, some hate it, and some just want to know where their damn backer rewards are (I sympathize, but anything I hear, I post here).
If you haven’t found yourself completely put off by all the controversy surrounding the game, but don’t want to go in at full price either, you’ll find the game is currently 50 percent off ($9.99 USD) on both Xbox One and Xbox 360; if you have Xbox Live Gold, then take yourself another ten percent off. Curiously, the Retro Hero ($1.79/$1.49 w/Gold) and Ray Expansion ($2.99/$2.49) downloadable content are also on sale, but only come up under the Xbox 360 version.

Next up, this isn’t a Mega Man or even Mega Man-esque series, but the Dead Rising series has always been pretty good about providing fan service and Easter eggs for fans of the Blue Bomber. And as it so happens, Dead Rising, Dead Rising 2, and Dead Rising 2: Off The Record are all on sale for 60 percent off (67 if you have Gold), and on both Xbox 360 and Xbox One as well.
On Xbox 360, all three games are $7.99 USD/$6.59 w/Gold, but on Xbox One, it’s a little trickier. Dead Rising and Dead Rising 2: Off The Record (aka “the Frank West games”) are $11.99/$10, and Dead Rising 2 (with Chuck Greene) is $13.99/$11.99. Or, if you want to go all-in on Xbox One, the Dead Rising Triple Bundle Pack includes all three games for $35.69/$29.75, which is only 40 percent/50 percent off. (Probably better to buy them individually.)

Back in Mega Man-esque territory, there is ReCore for Xbox One, which I’ve once again completely failed to review for you here in a timely manner. For what it’s worth, I’ve quite enjoyed the time I’ve been able to spend with it before getting pulled away for other stuff and hope to get back to it soon, though word is that it seems unfinished — an issue which may be remedied if the rumored Definitive Edition comes to pass.
If none of that bothers you, then you can get it now for $19.99 USD, which is 50 percent off, Gold or no Gold. Plus, the one purchase will play on your Windows 10 PC and Xbox One!

Speaking of Gold, if you’d like to have it to take advantage of the above deals, you can sign up to get the first month for just $1, but only if you have a free account.
There are many more games available as part of the sale, which you can find here (or here if you’re in Canada). Personally speaking, I’ve really enjoyed Forza Horizon 3 (my review), Sunset Overdrive (review pending), Killer Instinct (my review), and Ori and the Blind Forest (review pending). What I’ve played of Rayman Legends is really good, too.
Incidentally, if you’re looking to get an Xbox One, the Xbox One S 500 GB Minecraft Favorites Bundle is $249.99 USD in the Microsoft Store, and comes with $10 off an Xbox One Wireless Controller and $10 off of three months of Xbox Live Gold.
Last, but not least, you can also get an Xbox One Design Lab wireless controller for $64.99 USD with free shipping, $15 off the regular price. I bring this up because it’s compatible with Bluetooth-enabled PCs, and you can deck it out like a Mega Man character of your choice, as I’ve done in the examples above (click the corresponding links to look at other angles and even order, if you like! I don’t get anything if you do, though).
The sale runs from today through April 17th, so don’t miss out!

David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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