Ripot’s Round-Up – 11/4/16

Okay, so since coming back, I’ve had to shuffle some things around a bit. Specifically, I’ve got a lot of games to review and stuff to write about elsewhere, so I’ve taken on a more relaxed schedule here — at least until I could get things squared away. Unfortunately, that means I’ve got news tips that have been lingering in my Inbox for a while, and the wait to post them just seems to keep getting longer.
So to catch things up, here’s a new edition of Ripot’s Round-Up. Mind, I’m not posting everything I’ve got here, as some things I’d definitely like to give a little more focus in their own post, but I’d like to at least knock some things out so that everything is more manageable as other stories and things tend to come up (such as this week’s Loot Crate and Pixel Tactics Kickstarter posts).
Hopefully, once I’ve got things squared away, I can take on a more regular publishing schedule again. For now, here’s what’s not-so new, but hopefully interesting to Mega Man fans just the same!
As you’ve probably heard by now, Nintendo is releasing their NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) Classic Edition next week, and among the 30 games included in the package is Mega Man 2. To that end, USgamer decided to conduct an internal vote and rank all 30 games.
Where did the Blue Bomber rank? The answer may surprise you, and you can find out by checking out the list here.
Melvin sends us this video from SnareSpectre, wherein he provides some drum beats to back up the catalog of songs from the first three Mega Man X titles in this impressive medley:
Roberto Zampari Calda passes along this post from Protodude’s Rockman Corner of Eyeshield 21 and One-Punch Man artist Yusuke Murata‘s rendition of the Blue Bomber and his potential future self, Quint:

One Pew Man

Eyeshield 20XX
Protodude also has another piece from 2015 depicting Rock and Blues together. Plus, did you know that he was the one who won Capcom’s Robot Master Design Contest for two years in a row? His sketches led to the creation of Dust Man and Crystal Man in Mega Man 4 and 5, respectively! (Which, if I’m not mistaken, means he should have gotten one of those ultra-rare gold Rockman 4 cartridges, too!)
From MegaTuga: We’ve seen the Top 10 Dogs in gaming ranked before by GameTrailers, but ScrewAttack has apparently decided to one-up them by bringing us the Top 10 Dogs… period. Gaming, pop culture, these canines come from all walks… and of course, Rush still ranks among the best.
Dorkly’s professional villain assistant, Kevin, has taken on a new client: Dr. Wily. Language might be a little Not Safe For Work (the heavier stuff is bleeped out) and there’s a bit of bloodshed, just so you know.
A pair of indie developers are making a game called Copy Girl, which pays homage to platforming classics such as Mega Man and more contemporary fare such as Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze and Rayman Legends.

They haven’t updated their blog since the end of June, but they were hoping for a mid- to late-2016 release. If you’d like to see what it’s all about and follow them on Tumblr, here’s the link.
Oh man, I have no idea how I didn’t post about this sooner. Via Tsukumo, The Stained Glass Geek was featured on Comic Book Resources with — of course — stained glass renditions of several pop culture characters, including Mega Man:

To see the rest, just click here.
Here’s another that goes way back, and I have no idea how I never covered it until now. The video is from mid-2014, but Wasix on Twitter tipped me off to it back in Februrary this year. Just the same, it’s a cool trailer for a fan-made Mega Man Legends 3 project.
For the project’s official website, click here. Unfortunately (and this may be why I never got around to posting it until now), I’m not sure the project is still ongoing (the message they have is an image, so no Google Translate this time!).
Still, it’s a nice video to enjoy, if nothing else.
This is kind of old news by now, but The Creature Keeper passed along news that the scientist who declassified Pluto as a planet has gone on to say that there is another. I think the point was to be “hey, now we can have a new Stardroid” and I’d have run with that, but by this point, I’ll leave it to your imaginations.
You’ve seen them fight in the comics and in video games, now watch Mega Man and Sonic throw down as toys in this 2016 update of Nerdworld Entertainment’s original 2012 stop-motion animation:
There are apparently no plans to continue what was done here, but it’s been reposted for posterity. Enjoy!
Finally, Mike Matei of Cinemassacre did a livestream a while back for one of the most aggravating Mega Man games of all time, Mega Man: Dr. Wily’s Revenge. I haven’t watched it, but I imagine there is lots of cursing involved. If watching a man suffer is your idea of a good time, this might be the video for you (unless it turns out he’s really good at it).
Whew, that’s better!
That’s all for now, but if you have any tips you’d like to submit, you can do so via this link (which is also found under the “Site Features” label at the top of the page), or by sending an e-mail to the.mega.man.network (at) gmail.com.
I try to post things as soon as I can with the time I have (and ideally in their own dedicated post), but as you can see, I don’t always get to everything in a timely fashion, and for that, I do apologize.

David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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