First Mega Man Remade in Super Mario Maker… Twice! (Updated)
We’ve already seen some impressive remakes of Mega Man 2 stages in Super Mario Maker thus far, but it seems that the first Mega Man game is not only proving a popular target for fan remakes in the Mushroom Kingdom, but the entirety of that game as well!
First, YouTuber KHace has taken things to the next level. With a fair bit of creative enemy replacement and a lot of editing (including some nice remixes from RushJet), the near-entirety of the very first Mega Man game (only the first and last of the Wily stages are included beyond the six Robot Masters) has been recreated in Nintendo’s creative tool.
What’s more, this version seems to take a lot less time to get through, with the whole video clocking in at 16 minutes 17 seconds. Check it out:
For the level codes, Q&A, and more, check out the video’s description here, and thanks to Roy G. Biv on Twitter for the tip!
Next up, fellow Nintendo Force writer Tony Ponce has taken on a different tact in his effort to replicate the first Mega Man game in its entirety (including the stages KHace left out). For his effort, however, Ponce has elected to forgo using the Mega Man amiibo skin in order to take advantage of the Super Mario Bros. 3 style in what he calls “MEGAfied.”
Update: Following Super Mario Maker‘s recent update, Tony has erased the original levels and replaced them with new versions featuring two checkpoints in every level. The new codes have been put in their places below, and you can read about other tweaks made to the levels here.
Due to a lack of capture software, there is no video at the moment, but here are screens followed by codes and notes on each of the levels:

An Adventure of MEGA Proportions!
One of the Mushroom Kingdom’s oldest legends is that of the Power Star Tree, a sacred plant that produces Power Stars whenever a special melody is played. Somehow, that crafty Bowser has discovered both the the tree’s secret grove and its bloom melody. With this new source of limitless power, the Koopa Empire was able to conquer the entire Mushroom Kingdom overnight! Oh no!
But our stalwart savior Mario refuses to give in! Koopa squads have taken hold of six strategic locations — if Mario can invade their domains and defeat their captains, he just may find clues pointing towards the whereabouts of the Power Star Tree. Of course, Bowser will surely be prepared with some grand scheme to flush that pesky plumber down the drain once and for all. Will our heroic handyman emerge victorious, or has he trimmed his mustache for the last time?
Fight Mario! For everlasting peace!

BOMB Ballet! — 1AF2-0000-00D7-BFB8
Business is literally booming! The Koopas have begun converting the Kingdom’s downtown hub into a bomb assembly workshop. Put out their fuse before they begin their first production run!

Got GUTS? — 6377-0000-00D7-C28D
The Koopas have begun excavating the mountainside in search of precious jewels, which has triggered tremors all across the Kingdom. Mind your head as you shut down their mining operation!

Close CUT! — 74A2-0000-00D7-C4BF
The Toads were forced to flee Mushroom Acres Apartments after their homes became infested by deadly Piranha Plants. No gardening shears handy? A little fire may be just as effective!

ELECtric Encounter! — 2539-0000-00D7-C785
Look! Up in the sky! Is it a bird? A plane? No, it’s the Koopas’ floating spire fleet! Avoid rocket engine flames and maybe try to find a way to get airborne yourself.

ICE Invasion! — 9393-0000-00D7-CA07
Deep within the frozen caverns to the north is an subterranean ice tower that the Koopas have claimed for their own. Be careful not to slip and fall when you hand them their eviction papers!

Frantic FIRE! — 1988-0000-00D7-CCA7
A metal refinery in the center of a volcano!? Probably not to best place to go frolicking about! Timing is key in order to avoid the abundant burners installed throughout the facility.

Act 1 — 0245-0000-00D7-CF30

Act 2 — 055B-0000-00D7-D291

Act 3 — 6258-0000-00D7-D46E

Act Ω — 0998-0000-00D7-DB82
Fortress Finale!
With Bowser’s army all but defeated, it’s time to take the fight to his stronghold: a massive factory built atop the Power Star Tree’s grove. The King of the Koopas has siphoned the tree’s energy in order to revive his fallen captains and slow your progress as he completes construction on his most dangerous doomsday weapon yet. Storm the front gate, give Bowser Jr. your warmest regards, dive into the factory’s waterworks, and topple the terrible tyrant before it’s too late!

Boss Practice Chambers — F035-0000-00D7-DCC3
Getting smacked around by the Koopa squad captains? Practice against any one of them in the Boss Practice Chambers before tackling their domains anew.
So there you have it: One game, two takes. If you’ve gotten to play them (feel free before commenting), which one do you prefer? Tell us below!
Originally posted on October 23rd, 2015.
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