X-Plus Zero Equals A Lot of Zero

So, remember that unpainted X-Plus Zero that was shown off a couple of months ago?
Well, he’s back. And he’s brought color with him.
The giant 18-inch figure has just shown up on AmiAmi’s web store with a slightly-vague release date of December 2015 and a much less vague list price of 12,960 JPY (roughly $107.45 USD), though ordering through AmiAmi, you can get it at a reduced rate of 21 percent off for 10,200 JPY (roughly $84.57 USD).
It looks as though this figure is forgoing the usual additional head accessory in favor of Zero’s Z-Saber. Strangely, the Z-Buster that was shown with him in the prototype image is not listed nor shown in any of the pictures; it’s probably safe to assume that was cut due to costs. Edit: Or not, going by Vhyper1985’s pictures in the comments below. Go figure (no pun intended).
For those unfamiliar with the X-Plus line of products, here’s a visual to give you a better sense of scale:

And of course, there are also X-Plus renditions of Mega Man and X to join Zero on your shelf, though AmiAmi’s stopped taking orders on both.
Thanks to Vhyper1985 for the tip!

David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
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