Inafune Promises No More Mighty No. 9 Delays at Unreal Fest

via Game*Spark
Comcept Founder and Mighty No. 9 Project Lead Keiji Inafune appeared at the Unreal Fest 2015 Yokohama Event in Japan earlier this month where, as one might expect, he spoke about Mighty No. 9 and indie development.
Game*Spark has coverage of the keynote, and Miku of NeoGAF provided a cursory look at the piece with the following highlights:
- “Mighty No. 9 absolutely will not be delayed.”
- “One of the reason of the delay is because of the numbers of platform.”
- “How to make the impossible possible like Mega Man.”
- “Cannot say it’s a complete success yet since it still haven’t been released.”
- “The game needs to sell a lot of copies and many users playing it.”
- “Sequel is planned if it were successful.”
To the point of Mighty No. 9 not being delayed, perhaps “further” is the implication that should be attached at the end.
For the number of platforms involved (PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita, Xbox One, Xbox 360, Wii U, Nintendo 3DS, and the Windows, Mac, and Linux PCs, he notes there is a large number of quality checks, including languages across regions — quite a feat for their 30-person workforce compared to the thousands working at larger companies, he says (taken from my view of a rather rough Google translation).
The last point seems to be a real sticking point among a lot of people, though it should be noted that the same could be said of pretty much any video game… or movie, or virtually anything else. Such is the nature of business that more often than not, if a project is successful, the company behind it will want to capitalize with a follow-up — especially when they still have ideas that were left unused in the original.
In any case, this is hopefully good news for the Mighty No. 9 faithful that the game will finally make its latest launch date, February 9th, 2016 in North America and February 12th throughout the rest of the world.
Thanks to lalalei2001 for the tip!

David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
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