Comcept Reveals Exclusive Mighty No. 9 Demo for Backers

When Comcept confirmed rumors of a Mighty No. 9 delay earlier this month, things went over about as well as you would expect. Now slated for a first-quarter release in 2016, a lot of fans, potential fans, and Kickstarter backers were left grumbling as they would have to continue to wait to play a game that had been promised for a Spring 2015 release.
Following the announcement, producer Nick Yu of Comcept would go on to express remorse for what those eagerly awaiting the game were having to deal with, explaining the situation while noting that “I know we should think about something to show that we are really sorry to the backers. We’re looking to see if there’s something we can do for the backers.”
Well, it looks like there is indeed. Comcept announced today to backers of Mighty No. 9 that they would all receive a code for an exclusive four-stage trial version of the game that is different from anything that even the higher-tier backers have played to date. There, the complete versions of the Opening Stage, No. 1 Stage, No. 3 Stage, and the No. 5 Stage from the game’s single player mode will be available to play.
Changes have been made to the content including enemy placement adjustments and an extra layer of polish has been added to the graphics, so even backers who spent time with the beta should also check out this Trial Ver. to see what has changed since then!
What’s more, the stages will also include all of their relevant cutscenes and a variety of language options, plus new options, a retro soundtrack, and the first six challenge stages. In addition, they will also receive a free download code for the 8-bit demake, Mighty Gunvolt, when it’s released on September 29th.
Unfortunately, there is something of a catch: the trial version is only available to Steam users. What’s more, it will only run for a month after its release date, September 15th (when the game was originally planned to be launched).
Finally, the Mighty No. 9 Team would like to apologize once more to our fans and backers regarding the recently announced delay to the Mighty No. 9 release date. We hope that this Trial Ver. of the game will give our backers a glimpse of what the final product will look like. Thank you for all of your support up until now Mighties! ―The Mighty No. 9 Team
So, there you have it. There are undoubtedly going to be some issues taken with Inti Creates handling of this, depending on where you sit in the whole matter, and you can share your thoughts in the comments below (just keep it clean and respectful).
Thanks for the tip, Pedro GonzalezII!

David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
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