Two New Campaigns from Get Me Off The Moon Loom Large
When we brought you news of Get Me Off The Moon’s Mega Man Legends marathon from this past weekend, there was a mention that something else would be revealed on that day as well. For those who didn’t tune in, here’s what you might have missed:
The gist of it, for those who aren’t/can’t watch the video, is that a recent statement from Sony is that they are composing a list of cult titles which they can help with crowdfunding, much as they did with the long-awaited third Shenmue title, which happened to set a new record for Kickstarter. Hmm, do we know any long-awaited third entries in cult series that could use such a boost?
If you happen to think of any, then you’ll want to tweet the likes of Sony’s Gio Corsi (@giocorsi) and Adam Boyes (@amboyes) (who helped create the Shenmue 3 Kickstarter), as well as the official Capcom Twitter (@capcom_jp and/or @Capcom_Unity) with some sort of hashtag to lend your voice to the cause. Something like “#ReviveMML3,” for instance, if you were to know of a game whose initials would fit this rather specific criteria.
Those who prove themselves to be the most passionate supporters of the cause will be able to claim one of three “Operation Legendary List” prizes from Get Me Off The Moon.
The second initiative, titled the “Rise from the Ashes” contest, is in support of Comcept’s newest Kickstarter. This one is all about giving that Kickstarter a little bit more promotional “oomph” with fan art and music. You can either share up to three different works per person on Twitter with the hashtag #RiseFromTheAshes, or for the proudly iltwitterate, you can mail whatever you’ve got to getmeoffthemoon[at]gmail.com to be posted on their Tumblr.

The prize, which you can see above, is a Red Ash t-shirt autographed by not only the game’s lead developers, but none other than Keiji Inafune himself, who will be the one judging the contest! Three winners will receive these coveted prizes that are sure to get them lots of dates and other good will.
“Yes,” GMOTM notes, “the co-creator of Mega Man will be reviewing your work! Isn’t that just amazing?”
The “Operation Legendary List” contest runs until August 18th at 11:59pm PST, while “Rise from the Ashes” goes until July 31st (the end of this month) at the same time. For more details, looks at prizes and fan art, and all that fun, check out this link.

David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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