A Mighty No. 9 Live-Action Film? Sure, Why Not?

Some people would call organizing so many tangential projects before the original product is out putting the cart before the horse. For Comcept, it seems that they believe carts and horses are firmly relics of the past; they believe in the art of self-propelled transportation, and are putting the pedal to the metal.
At least, that seems to be the rationale behind the latest announcement from Keiji Inafune and his partners Legendary Digital and Contradiction, who respectively distributed and produced the film Dead Rising: Watchtower (itself based on another video game series pioneered by Inafune) as they’ve announced plans for a live-action feature-length film based on Mighty No. 9. Dead Rising: Watchtower was released on Crackle, an online streaming service, which seems to be the route they intend to take with Beck’s big adventure, and the Capcom-oriented venture apparently did well enough for a sequel to be underway.
“The announcement that Legendary Digital is collaborating with Contradiction and Comcept on creating a live action project based on Mighty No. 9 is really amazing, not only for myself and the rest of the team at Comcept who worked on the game, but also for all the fans who have supported the project,” Comcept Chief Executive Officer Keiji Inafune told Gematsu. “This collaboration will give our creation the ability to reach people all over the world. Thanks to all of your support, we have fulfilled another one of our dreams.”
The game isn’t due to be released until mid-September, but we’ve already got a cartoon, a sequel series, and an anime to accompany that in the works. While a cartoon makes a certain level of sense from a promotional standpoint (just look at what it did for Pokemon), one can only assume there is no lack of confidence within Comcept or any of their partners for how successful this game is going to be. Nonetheless, it’s a lot to take in.
One also has to wonder: If an untested, unproven property such as Mighty No. 9 can attract this much attention, what about the original article? Has Hollywood been knocking on Capcom’s door to make something out of Mega Man all this time, for them to only now respond following news of what Mighty No. 9 was doing?
And if that were indeed the case… good lord, could there actually be a potential live-action Mega Man movie in our future?
The mind boggles.
Thanks to Sunwalker for the tip!

David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
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