Proto Man Pre-Orders Proceeding
About a week ago, we brought you the latest from First 4 Figures regarding the Proto Man statue from their Mega Man line. This week, there are many more details to hear and pictures to see!

Two versions of the Salvador Felix-designed statue will be available in the fourth quarter of 2015, each standing 13 inches tall and. Both share the same design and Shadow Man stage-inspired base, but where they differ is that the exclusive version will feature LED lights in the Proto Buster and ear pieces of the helmet.
The exclusive version is limited to 550 units worldwide and costs $239.99 USD, while the regular edition is limited to 1,000 pieces worldwide and will be $209.99 USD. Initial payments for each version are $20 USD.
For many, many, many more pictures of each, you can click here for the exclusive version or here for the regular version, and if you decide to order, you’ll find the links at the bottom of their respective pages.

David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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