Mega Man Going to SDCC, Leaving All His Clothes Behind
We have seen the future! And the future… is wearing far less clothing, it would seem.
The San Diego Comic-Con is this week, and if you’ve got a ticket? Congratulations! You’re now one of the elite who have the opportunity to spend even more money! As always, companies such as Capcom, Archie Comics, and UDON Entertainment will be on hand to exchange cool stuff for your useless coins, bills, and large sacks with cartoony dollar signs on them.
It’s win-win, so long as you’re able to play!

Comes in regular and Canada.
One of the items Capcom has announced for the show over at Capcom Unity is this fancy pair of Mega Man Classic helmet statues. Priced at $80 (that’s $20 less than last year’s anniversary statue, for those keeping track).
Made from a futuristic space-age polymer (chrome resin), it stands at about 10 inches tall by 5 inches wide, about the same as the aforementioned statue from last year. It also sports a similar base and contains the same USB-powered LED light features, albeit in an updated form. After spending a few moments inside of Dr. Light’s 21XX salad shaker, this statue now features induction power to light up brighter and more easily by placing the helmet atop the post.
For those wondering, the red and white alternate helmet seen at right is available in a very limited number, and will be available at other major shows throughout the rest of 2014. Still, if you’re at SDCC, now is the time to grab it before it sells out.
That Mega Man– he’s a pretty cool guy, and you just know he’d give you the shirt off his back. As it just so happens…

Not what people were expecting from a grim, gritty, more realistic Mega Man reboot.
That’s exactly what he’s doing! Well, if by “Mega Man giving” we mean “Capcom selling,” which is what we do actually mean.
You might remember the Mega Man denim jacket by Volante Designs going up for pre-order earlier this year (strangely, we thought we’d covered it here, but searches turn up nothing), and those who took advantage of the opportunity should be receiving theirs in the mail by the end of the month. Those who didn’t can snag one at Comic-Con for $200.
Wow. First his helmet, then his shirt (jacket, whatever). At least there’s been no sign that he’s left his pants behind.
(This is where a photoshopped pic of a censored nude Mega Man was going to go before remembering “Oh yeah, he’s supposed to be 10. That probably wouldn’t fly.” All that build-up for nothing. Sorry, folks!)
Beyond the ability to acquire that fancy Blue Bomber attire, there is still more for Mega Man fans to check out at the Con:

Blue Brothers.
This exclusive Rafa Knight cover to the first chapter of “Dawn of X,” revealed by Polygon a few months ago, will be available at both Archie and Capcom’s booths at the convention, 2842 and 215, respectively.
You’ll definitely want to look into this offering, as according to Capcom Unity, there will be special “Golden Tickets” inside two of the copies available (near as we can tell, both could be at one booth, the other, or one at each– completely random). Get one of these tickets, and you win one of the helmet statues seen above!
More Capcom goodies are announced in Capcom Unity’s post, but that’s not all that will interest Mega Man fans at this week’s convention.

“Happy Birthday, Ryu!” “I hate surprise parties! Rargh!”
As we previously mentioned, UDON will be on had with UDON’s Art of Capcom: Complete Edition, and you can learn all the details here. You’ll find them over at Booth #4529.
On Thursday, July 24th from 4:45 to 5:45pm in Room 6BCF is “The World of Capcom” panel:
Moderator Francis Mao (Capcom) and a panel of Capcom staff members share the latest updates on all the hot, new Capcom games, including Ultra Street Fighter IV, Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, Dead Rising 3, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy, and Monster Hunter Freedom Unite, plus sneak peeks at all the latest cool Capcom merchandise and maybe a surprise or two.
Mind, that isn’t to say that anything Mega Man will be announced there. They’ve not even so much as teased anything, and given the blowback from changes in plans previously, we wouldn’t blame them in the slightest. But, if there was to be anything announced, this would probably be the time and place.
From 1 to 2pm on Sunday, July 27th, Archie will be hosting the “Archie Action Hour: Sonic the Hedgehog and Mega Man” panel in room 32AB:
Get ready for action in San Diego! Paul Kaminski (Archie Comics executive director of editorial) is joined by Mike Pellerito (Archie Comics president) and artists Jon Gray (Sonic, the Hedgehog) and Evan Stanley (Sonic, the Hedgehog) to bring you an hour jam-packed with action and adventure as you go behind the scenes and get the latest news on all things Sonic and Mega Man. Attendees will power-up with a free gift bag ticket chock full of Archie Action Awesomeness!
Finally, there are some Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 events going on throughout the show, so if you’re at all interested in participating or spectating, you’ll want to check those out. Most are on Thursday, July 24th (tournaments from 11am to 1:30pm, 2pm to 5pm, and 5pm to 8pm in Room 17AB), Friday, July 25th from 8pm to 10pm in Room 16B, and Saturday, July 26th from 4pm to 6pm in Room 16B.
And that should be everything Mega Man or related to Mega Man to be seen at the show! If there turns out to be more, we’ll give this post an update and a bump!
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