Capcom Unity Previews Mega Man #36, Guest Starring…

Something’s not quite Wright here. Or is it?
Capcom Unity has posted a new preview for issue 36 of Archie’s Mega Man comic book, featuring the trial of Dr. Wily! Longtime fans know that Wily somehow managed to make good with Dr. Light in Mega Man 3, but how? This issue helps uncover that mystery, and features a cameo by a certain fan-favorite ace attorney to boot!
This preview has only two pages, but you can check them both out over at Capcom Unity.
On the eve of the MEGA MAN/MEGA MAN X Crossover comes the TWISTED tale that could only be called “A Chance at Redemption”! Dr. Wily is a free man, cleared of wrongdoing, and it’s all thanks to–Mega Man?! Can even an evil villain like himself live with a lie of that magnitude? Can he enjoy a life of robotics research next to his “frenemy” Dr. Light? Will the promise of power in Gamma be far too tempting? The answer to all your burning questions lie in this mega-fun issue, including cover art by Patrick “SPAZ” Spaziante and a stunning “TRIAL OF DR. WILY” variant cover from rising MEGA-star Brent McCarthy!
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