Comic Book Resources Previews Mega Man #34 (Update #2)

Hitting comic book shops today is the 34th issue of Archie’s Mega Man comic, which sees our blue hero return to the Lanfront Ruins with some friends while the remnants of Dr. Wily’s forces remain on the hunt for their elusive traitor. You can catch the first four pages of this tale at Comic Book Resources.
In addition, don’t forget that this also marks the first part of the Mega Man X comic that will only build to bigger and better things from here! But for that, you’re going to have to drop $2.99 for the issue at your local comic book shop, or wait about a week for it to start hitting other places which carry Archie comics!
Finally, a recap of the solicitation, for those who missed it before:
This is it! The issue every Mega-fan has been demanding! The debut of MEGA MAN X! But first, in “Shadow of the Moon” Part One: Mega Man joins a research team seeking the truth behind Dr. Wily and Ra Moon. But how far will they get when Shadow Man goes on the attack?! Then, in “The X Factor” Part One – jump 100 years into the future as Dr. Cain discovers Dr. Light’s final, greatest creation – Mega Man X! Featuring pencils by the returning Mega Man art legend PATRICK “SPAZ” SPAZIANTE! The road to the next big mega-crossover starts here, featuring an exclusive MEGA MAN X variant cover by superstar artist Ben Bates!
Thanks to Tahtorak for the tip!
Update: Some of you in the comments below have noted that your local comic book shops haven’t received the issue as it was scheduled, while Dr. Wily has tipped us off that Previews has no solicitation for it coming out this week. We’ve reached out to Archie to find out what the situation is, and will update you here upon their response.
Update 2: No word from Archie Comics on what that was all about, but they’re now promoting this issue as being available today, so hopefully that will be that. Our review will be forthcoming shortly, pending midterms.
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