Your Questions, Answered by Inafune!
Recently, we brought forth a request from Get Me Off The Moon‘s Rashed for everyone to submit their questions for Keiji Inafune to answer during an interview at IGN’s convention in Bahrain over the weekend. Ask you did, and answer he did!
Admittedly, however, there wasn’t much time, so only a few questions were answered: “Is Mighty No. 9 going to be a continuous series,” “will we see Kickstarter mark the end of triple-A publishing,” and “do you think we’ll ever see a spiritual successor to Mega Man Legends?”
To the latter, Inafune responded that while he can no longer make Legends, which he loves, he would indeed like to make another game like that someday. Rashed suggested a “Mighty Legends,” which drew a chuckle from Inafune.
For the rest, check out the video above! Towards the end, you’ll also see where Get Me Off The Moon were finally able to give Inafune the binder featuring all the thoughts and artwork fans of the Mega Man Legends series sent his way following the cancellation of the long-awaited third game in the series.
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