Check Out the Mega Man Portion of NYCC’s Archie Action Hour
If you, like us, missed out on the Archie Action Hour at the 2013 New York Comic-Con, then good news! Thanks to MegaRobertTV on YouTube, we can check out what we missed for ourselves!
Truth be told, not too much information is revealed that we didn’t already know, thanks in part to the previous announcement about Mega Man X joining the family. They also talk about the “Blackout: The Curse of Ra Moon” story arc, which is currently going on in the book, and discuss some of the art chores that writer Ian Flynn has put his coworkers through and the story’s origins.
However, that isn’t to say there is nothing new to behold; in particular, if listening to their banter is not your thing, then you’ll want to skip ahead to about 11:16 on the timer, where you’ll see a certain red Maverick Hunter doing what he does best, plus a peek ahead at issue #30, where a different red robot steps up when it counts.
Thanks to Dejimon11 for the tip!
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