Mighty No. 9 Hits End Level/Boss Stretch Goal, Reveals Further Goals

The Mighty No. 9 Kickstarter has reached its next goal, clearing the $2,550,000 needed to add an extra level and end boss to Beck’s adventure. And the best part is, there was no need to divert funds away from Sick Kids to do it!
As of this writing, $2,523,012 has been pledged (not counting the $36,309 in PayPal donations… er, we think), and the next stretch goal is a big one: $2,750,000 to bring Beck and Call together in a two-player online cooperative challenge mode.
Other mystery goals have now been revealed as well, with $2,900,000 seeing the addition of an intro stage and boss, while $3,100,000 gives us a support character. And of course, $3,300,000 still looms large in the distance for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 hopefuls as the Kickstarter marches on with five days remaining.
One other thing which has been added is this update, which gives us a look at three new doctor characters and the series’ mascot, the “xels” which comprise all the robots in the series and form the basis for the plush toys those who contribute $175 will receive.. And you thought “robot DNA” was crazy!
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