Meet Ryan Jampole

I usually only go to two conventions a year: Otakon, which has a big Mega Man cosplay group following, and MAGFest, which has the big music crowd which usually covers Mega Man music. I’d heard of the Baltimore Comic Con, but never really went. I’m more of a gamer than a comic book nerd myself.
However, when I saw Ryan Jampole was going to be there, I had to jump at the chance to meet him. Who is Ryan you ask? If you’ve been reading Archie’s Mega Man series, you’ve probably seen his artwork!
Ryan was there due to be nominated for a Harvey award for Best New Artist for his work on Archie’s Mega Man and had a table in the Artist Alley. While he didn’t win (and I think we all here could agree he deserved to win!) it gave us a chance to catch up with him. It was a very unique experience to sit down with a professional artist, get some insight on Archie, and just talk about Mega Man!
Afterwards, we chatted while I commissioned Ryan for a sweet, sweet Proto Man picture, buying the pencils of a page from issue 23 (the infamous ‘Proto Man eye that is not really an eye’ page. You know the one I’m talking about), and signing my issue #28.
All in all, Ryan is a great guy, with great work, and someone who takes time to interact with his fans. Thanks so much for the interview and your time, Ryan!
Special thanks to:
Jakob Free – for letting me steal his seat at the table for the interview
Jeff Volpe – for filming
Level Up Studios – for selling the servbot hats.

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