Learn the Story Behind One Contributor to Mega Man’s Soundtrack
Okay, this one is a bit more old and obscure in the realm of all things Mega Man, but after some light encouragement on Twitter, we’re going ahead and posting it. So please bear with us.
A little while back, we– by way of Destructoid’s Tony Ponce– told you about one rather bizarre, officially-licensed item to be found in the annals of Mega Man merchandise: The soundtrack to the Ruby-Spears animated series from the early 90s, which was actually a compilation of the odd arrangement of songs used in the credits for the show’s second season, rather than tunes from from the show itself (not even the “Super Fighting Robot” theme was included).
Fast forward to last night, and we’re watching the latest episode of Todd in the Shadows’ “One Hit Wonderland” over on That Guy with the Glasses, a fun show which looks back at the acts of yesteryear who were only known for just one song. This episode focuses on the group Mr. Big and their hit “To Be With You.”
At 9:55 into the video is where everything clicks, as he briefly examines one of the group’s follow-ups, “Take Cover.” After a moment of listening, we cracked up– Despite knowing “To Be With You” but not really recognizing the group name, we immediately recognized the song and name together as one of the contributors for that Mega Man album. To this point, we had no idea that the two songs were by the same guys, or even related at all.
Again, this is all kind of vague and obscure, but there it is. If you’re interested in learning more about the group and how they went from one successful song to having a blue cartoon robot shill for one of their latest works after most kids have probably stopped watching, then check out the full episode of “One Hit Wonderland” below.
As an aside: Even if you’re not a fan of That Guy with the Glasses, aka The Nostalgia Critic, aka Doug Walker, Todd’s work is an entirely separate thing from Walker’s, so if you haven’t before, give it a chance. It’s clean and informative, with just a light touch of humor added, and as far as I can tell, should be safe for work.
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