Destructoid Ranks Their Top 5 Mega Man Games… Twice
Love for Mega Man is in the air over at Destructoid, which is reason enough for Chris Carter to post what he believes are “The Five Best Mega Man Games.” A solid list, to be sure, and some might even be surprised not only by his number one pick, but also some games which didn’t make the cut.
But wait; here comes a new challenger! TMMN collaborator Tony Ponce to post what he truly believes is “The REAL list of the Blue Bomber’s greatest.” This one is a little more conventional, but both lists are packed with quality titles just the same.
And really, that’s always been one of the greatest things about Mega Man: You can disagree on favorites or what’s the best, but even some of the Blue Bomber’s worst games are still better than many other series’ best.
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