Celebrate Mega Man ’13 with Yacht Club Games
Yacht Club Games, developer of the upcoming Shovel Knight (featuring original Mega Man composer Manami Matsumae) are going to be partaking in their annual tradition of playing through as many Mega Man games as they can, “in an effort to remind us of what great gameplay is all about.” This year, however, they’re opening up their yearly ritual to everyone else in an event they call “Mega May.”
We’ll be streaming Mega Man on twitch.tv, reminiscing about Mega Man moments, etc. We may even have some special guests or other surprises in store! Here’s the schedule. First episode is tonight!! And if you miss your favorite game, don’t worry. We’re going to be taking requests after we finish the planned games each day. All times are PST, so east-coasters be aware!
You’ll find the full schedule at right (click to enlarge), and as of this writing, the first one is scheduled to go live in about 45 minutes (sorry for the last minute posting; the news came while we were out). You can tune in and watch for yourself as they take on the original Wily Wars trilogy by clicking here.
Thanks for the tip, Gandkaidos!
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