Introducing The Mega Man Network’s Rock Tumblr!
For those of you out there who use Tumblr, we just wanted to let you know that we’ve carved out our own little space on the blogging network.
Called “The Mega Man Network’s Rock Tumblr,” we’ll be providing links to new content on TMMN as it comes, but also some more casual posts than what you’re likely to find here on the main site. What that basically means is quick little hits of Mega Man content, such as fan art, old magazine spreads, or whatever else we happen to come across that we can quickly share with all of you, sometimes accompanied by our own thoughts and comments.
Of course, you don’t need to be a Tumblr member in order to view it; just click the link above, and view to your heart’s content! But if you’d like TMMN delivered to your dashboard as it comes, then the Rock Tumblr is just a click of the “Follow” button away! And if you’re following us on Facebook or Twitter, then you’ll be updated there with our Tumblr posts as well!
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