25th Anniversary Mega Man Statue Now Available for Pre-Order in Capcom Store
Capcom Unity has just announced that the limited edition 25th anniversary statue of Mega Man first shown at PAX East is now available for pre-order in the Capcom Store.
“This was originally announced as a SDCC 2013 exclusive,” notes Community Manager Brett Elston, “but the reaction was so strong we’re opening the floodgates early and giving you all access months ahead of time! Take note, however – this pre-order extends only through April 25!”
The $99.95 statue is 10 inches on a 6-inch diameter base, and features USB-powered LED lights on the base, helmet, and Mega Buster. Each one is individually numbered as part of its limited availability as a Capcom Store Exclusive.
“[T]his was a labor of love between community and licensing,” Elston said “and we’re super happy to see it out in the wild. Along with the MM25 pin (which was a big hit during PAX, about 1000 handed out!) and the other news from the panel, this is how we aim to kick things off for the Blue Bomber’s 25th – which, yes, was in December, but we’re planning activity all year.”
Click here if you would like to pre-order, or just check out some different pics of the statue, including some of it lit up! Do note, however, that “Images shown are not of the final product and are subject to change”.
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