Mega Man 2 Now Available on Nintendo 3DS eShop in North America
As promised by Capcom, the 1989 NES classic Mega Man 2 has now officially arrived on the Nintendo 3DS eShop in North America. You can download it now for just $4.99 and enjoy such benefits as portability and save states.
Okay, so odds are that many of us around here have talked about Mega Man 2 ’til we’re blue in the face (no pun intended), so here’s something a little bit different that might date some of you. See the image of the box on the right here? If you (click and) look closely, you’ll notice that there is an offer to receive up to $10 back from Capcom when you purchase their games.
So now we’re curious: Did any of you ever take advantage of this offer? And if so, which games did you purchase to take advantage of it? Tell us in the comments, as we’re all ears… er, eyes. Well, something that can process your thoughts, so long as you leave them below.
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