Announcing the Winners of Our December 25th Anniversary Giveaway!
I’m back and settled from my lovely New Year’s trip to Tokyo, and now it’s time to wrap up the last giveaway in 2012’s monthly appreciation effort for Mega Man! Not to mention, send off the wonderful prizes you see pictured above!
For this giveaway we got 334 total entries. I went over them all in preparation for the selection process, and I must say I was pretty moved by how much many of you poured your hearts. Whether you’re new to the series or have been fans from the start, I really saw a lot of passion for our blue friend!
So beyond the break, we’ll announce who’s won and show their comments. The winners have been contacted already, so be sure to keep an eye out! And as always, we thank you all for participating and visiting TMMN!
Name: James Kensel
Won: D-Arts Rockman
Contacted via: E-mail
Comment: I’m relatively new to the series, but that doesn’t change my love for it. I started my general knowledge watching the Starforce anime on Toonami, and when I started extensive research, I thought the original series was more ridiculous than I expected, but then I saw I had discovered Ruby Spears (er-hem!). In the following year, I had researched nearly every part of the series, and found myself fascinated. Indeed, after years of Zelda and Pokemon, Megaman was my ticket for a new level of inspiration. My favorite games would have to be Zero 3 and Starforce 2, as they both featured major improvements over their predecessors’ gameplay, and I loved the stories just as much. I especially loved the Gigamix manga, though I haven’t collected the earlier three Megamix volumes yet.
My inspiration was so sparked up, in fact, I had begun writing my own fanfiction adaption of the series, which has received warm reviews, but in these recent years, I truly was hoping for Megaman to return after the awkward ZX series, but instead two games were cancelled. Now I am in doubt, but I will not give up. Megaman is never truly gone, even if this twenty-fifth year is his last. I have barely been a fan for five years, but I loved every bit of it. Long live Megaman! Long live the Blue Bomber!
Name: Jose
Contacted via: E-mail
Comment: For 25 years, you’ve given us a lot. Since I was a kid, I loved playing your games. I was part of every single iteration from Classic all the way to Star Force. Though with XOver I’m mixed because there are some that hate it and some that like it. All I know is that you’ve had some good times and some that are bad.
Universe and Legends 3 cancelled, removing you from popular fighters, having bad box art take part in SFxT, reducing you to cameos and cheap ports that make you feel like your company cares more about other franchises (Street Fighter in particular) than you. At least the fans make sure that you will live on. It lives on through fan art, fan fiction, fan games, hacks, etc. Even the Archie comics show that there’s an audience waiting to see you. With the upcoming Worlds Collide crossover with Sonic the Hedgehog, I’m really excited.
With Street Fighter X Mega Man coming tomorrow, we may find a bit of hope. Sure it was a fan project that got officially endorsed by CAPCOM but I believe this is a step in the right direction. I still feel that it isn’t enough. But what matters now is that today is your special day. Happy 25th Anniversary Mega Man and above all else, thank you. Thank you so much for everything. You’ve been a part of my life since I was young and you are a part of everyone’s lives. I hope that 2013 has some hope for you but who knows. Just know that the fans will always be by your side no matter what.
Your revival will be near, your rebirth will bring them fear, above all else they will see you Mega Man… Reawakened!
Your name is Mega Man and this… is your story.
Happy 25th Anniversary Blue Bomber and thank you. :
Name: Rich ‘Mickey’ McCann
Won: We are ROCK-MEN! 2
Contacted via: Twitter
Comment: I’ve already had a mega year, picking up as many games as I could get my hands on, but it’s all just trying to recapture that past. I sometimes need to remind myself that the lessons I’ve learned from the blue bomber are ingrained into me, and it’s not the actual games that are important. It’s the lessons and attitudes, and most importantly….the MUSIC. Hot DAMN does the MegaMan franchise bring nothing to the table as consistently throughout it’s many incarnations as fantastic music. But seriously, I can’t wait for the triumphant return of Mega Man, in some shape or form, you can’t keep a solid idea down, much less a pillar of the gaming world. Just don’t keep us waiting too long, Rock.
Name: Flow_Rush
Won: Rockcan E Sound Can
Contacted via: E-mail
Comment: Happy 25th, Mega Man. Here’s to a better future.
Started with the original in 1991 and have been a fan since.
Name: Ismael Villa
Won: R20+5: Rockman & Rockman X Official Complete Works
Contacted via: E-mail
Comment: I just wanted to say congrats to Mega Man for reaching 25 years of greatness. even though, legends 3, and universe were canned, i still have hopes that the blue bomber will return and I cant wait to see what will happen to the franchise in the next 25 years. Even though Capcom made their mistakes, i want to thank them for giving us, the fans, a true icon and one of the best video game series ever. And finally, a HUGE thanks to the men who were responsible for creating the character, Akira Kitamura, Tokuro Fujiwar,and Keiji Inafune. Thank you Megaman, for the greatest memories of my childhood and may you fight for everlasting peace!
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