In case you’re not up on this particularly bit of Japanese meme-ery, we’ll let you read Heat’s explanation of it from last year, which you can find here. Don’t worry, we’ll wait.
All done? Great! So as it happens, Rockman X manga artist Yoshihiro Iwamoto has once more continued this little tradition of his, but with a twist! After all, this year’s holiday season encompasses the 25th anniversary of the Blue Bomber, and with the two events but a week apart, he couldn’t let such a time of two great things coming together go by unnoticed, could he?
So read on for his special one-two much of Mega Man and “Merry Christmas!”
First up, it’s Mega Man! Or perhaps more appropriately, “Rockman,” as rendered by Iwamoto– a relatively rare event, all said!
Accompanying it is the following message:
Run through Google Translator, it says:
Good morning.
It seems to otitis media has become a long-awaited Christmas Eve.
It’s like a souvenir placement of the cold.
No, but it is an amateur diagnosis.
The doctor to be transferred between the holiday tomorrow so bad.In, today is D-Arts Rockman must be reached.
Fun! !So keep up the illustration of the minutes of this year.
A good Christmas ^ ^
Update: And from Will Tice in the comments below, a real translation:
Good morning.
Even though it’s the long-awaited Christmas Eve, it seems I’ve come down with an ear infection.
It’s like a parting gift from my cold.
Well, it’s just an amateur diagnosis.
Unluckily, it’s a substitute holiday, so I’ll see the doctor tomorrow.Well then, today the D-Arts Rockman is arriving.
I’m excited!!Now then, I’m uploading this year’s illustration.
Have a good Christmas ^^
But wait– Here Comes a New Challenger!!!
Google Translated:
I’m sorry … everyone.
Upset with otitis media and cold … ^ ^;So early … but I Choi.
Christmas fun this year!
Yellow rock, paper, scissors! !
Heat could provide a better translation, I’m sure, but it sounds like something about the media has him down, yet he’s otherwise in high spirits. MERRY CHRISTMAS to you, too, Mr. Iwamoto!
Update: And the rest of Will Tice’s translation:
Sorry everyone…
I have a cold and ear infection, so my condition isn’t great… ^^;Because of that, I’m rather early, but…
Have a good Christmas this year!!
Yellow rock, paper, scissors!!
Thanks to Ghalheart for the tip!
Source: Iwamoto’s Blog
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