Xover’s 25th Anniversary Surprise Revealed
A couple weeks ago it was announced that Xover was getting a 25th anniversary surprise, Another banner came along yesterday, announcing a “Special World” would be revealed, again the banner used Rockman Volnutt and today that “Special World” has been revealed. Are we going to finally get a Rockman DASH world? not exactly.
Instead we’re treated to four Robot Masters, one from each of the first four Mega Man games (each with some odd choices for attributes).
These stages are a little different too, instead of getting one song for every Robot Master in the world, each Robot Master has their respective stage and boss music from their original titles, a nice touch that I wish would be added to every stage in Xover.
Items dropped in these “Special” stages are a little different too, Screws are commonly dropped to be spent on 25th Anniversary Battle Memories in the shop, and the Battle Memories found inside the stages are usually the special 25th Anniversary ones
The final boss of these “Special” stages is Wily from Mega Man 4, and he’ll actually put up quite a fight, if I hadn’t been playing this game way more than anybody should, he probably would have been able to take me out easily. All in all, it’s cool that at least Xover has something to celebrate Mega Man‘s 25th, even if it’s not the DASH/Legends world I had initially wanted.
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