Calling All Artists for a Worldwide 25th Anniversary Homage!
It’s time once again for fans around the world to contribute art to show their love of Mega Man. This past summer, we put out the call for a worldwide art project in support of Rock Day. At the time there was only two days’ notice, but we managed to rally an overwhelming response nonetheless. It’s gearing up again now, and with much more additional time, we expect the response to be phenomenal!
It all starts here, at the 25th Anniversary Birthday Collaboration page. Be sure to check it carefully, because there’s a lot you need to pay attention to in order to properly submit your work. Right now, the project is only taking applications for characters. You can comment on the site which character you wish to draw – you can draw up to two (one per picture), and you cannot pick a character that’s already chosen (so hurry!). Not just characters, but minor enemies are fine as well. The application deadline is October 17th, 11AM EST. You must comment on the site to choose your character, not here! (Go to the very bottom to find the comment field.) You can see characters already chosen beneath the example comment form.
After that, your artwork will be due by November 17th, and you can email to submit it. Again, be sure to follow the image guidelines properly! Once that date passes, the final collage will be edited together in preparation to be shown off on the Blue Bomber’s 25th birthday: December 17th.
We know the world loves Mega Man, so let’s show it off. We got nearly 100 pictures for Rock Day, and I know we can do way better than that for the 25th anniversary. Reserve your characters and get to it!
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