Bluefin Announces January NA Release of D-Arts Mega Man
Those of you psyched for Bandai’s upcoming D-Arts Mega Man figure (and I know there are a lot of you), take note. While the figure is releasing in Japan this December, Bluefin Tamashii Nations will be bringing the Blue Bomber to North America the following January. According to their FaceBook announcement:
In celebration of the 25th anniversary of the original Japan game release, Tamashii Nations is proud to announce the long awaited and highly requested release of classic Megaman into the ranks of the advanced D-Arts high-articulation action figure series. Fan feedback was critical in the design of this set, which features Met and Rush figures! Superior articulation allows for recreating a variety of action poses. Also included in set is an extensive array of accessory parts such as shot effect parts, as well as two interchangeable face parts, additional right arm Mega Buster parts and Mega Buster barrel opening part, interchangeable right arm, and interchangeable left/right hand parts.
What a great way to celebrate Mega Man’s 25th! You can be sure we’ll be tossing some your way, too!
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