Making Mega Music Together: Sheet Music Section Now Open
Over the last several months, TMMN readers with a keen eye for detail might have noticed that we added a new section to the sidebar on the right called “Sheet Music.” Well, we’re ready to announce that this section is now officially open!
Granted, there isn’t much there at the moment; just a PDF file of Storm Eagle’s theme from Mega Man X made for piano, with a MIDI accompaniment to demonstrate it. However, with new TMMN staff member Bey-Heart on the job, we hope to have more added soon to aid the more musically-inclined Mega Man fans in performing these iconic and memorable tunes.
Of course, we’re willing to take contributions as well. If you can write sheet music, have an affinity for the Blue Bomber, and would like to help out, just send it to tmmn.sheetmusic@gmail.com. It can be for any instrument (we would love to hear how Zero’s theme would be performed by bagpipes, for instance, but our expectations for that to surface are admittedly low), and once Bey-Heart approves it, we’ll add it to the section.
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