Marvel vs. Capcom Origins Art Pays Tribute to the Classics
About two months ago, we brought you news of a September re-release of Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes and Marvel Super Heroes called Marvel vs. Capcom Origins. More recently, Brelston at Capcom Unity has posted two pieces of art which depict classic covers with a mashed-up cast based on the upcoming PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Arcade release.
Shown above, the first piece is based on the Marvel crossover event The Infinity Gauntlet, and is even drawn by Ron Lim, who actually penciled three issues of that series. The other, by Shinkiro, clearly homages the legacy of the Blue Bomber by recreating the box art of Mega Man 2, with Wolverine, Captain America, and Zangief standing in for Crash Man, Quick Man, and Dr… er, Light? Wily? …the pointing guy in the lab coat, respectively.
Both images will be a part of a double-sided poster available at the Penny Arcade Expo (PAX) this weekend. What’s more, a third mash-up has been teased at arriving in two weeks. What could it be based on?
In any case, if you would like high-resolution versions of the images, you can grab them over at Capcom Unity. The Infinity Gauntlet version is here, while the Mega Man 2-inspired version is here.
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