Mega Man’s First Foray into 3D?
Well, not necessarily as far as games go, but here’s a neat piece of merchandise I’ve not come across before. This is a 300 piece 3D puzzle for the game Rockman 6, released back in 1993. By 3D, I mean both the featured artwork is 3D, and the puzzle itself creates a stereoscopic image. The box front seemingly shows both frames used to create the 3D effect. Pretty cool, though I wish they could’ve made a more exciting scene…
Right now this puzzle is being auctioned on Yahoo Auctions and sits at a measly ¥350 (roughly $4.50 US) – a great value IMO, though I can’t attest for its quality. And truthfully, I can’t say with any certainty if this really is the first 3D image of Mega Man, but it’s gotta be close!
News Credit: CAP Kobun
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