TMMN’s August Giveaway: Vile’s Revenge!
You smell that? That thick, smoky stench of a freshly fired shoulder cannon. It heats you up as it fills your lungs, and puts you on tenterhooks. That smell, my friends, is a chance at victory. Vile is back, and your chance at winning him just tripled! That’s because the ridiculously awesome folks at Bluefin Tamashii Nations have bestowed on us not just one, but three sinisterly cool D-Arts Vile figures! We simply can’t keep them all here, it’d be World War 3 with that many Viles rampaging around. Please win these figures from us, and ensure world peace!
As always, the way to win is crazy simple. This time, all you need to do is comment in this post about your favorite Mega Man villain. It can be any villain from any series, with some explanation as to why. After the commenting period is up three comments will be randomly chosen, so don’t think brown nosing Vile will score you any bonus points! Please remember to comment with an e-mail address we can reach you at, and make sure you can receive the prize (ask parents’ permission if necessary; figures ship from the United States).
You have until Friday, August 17th at midnight, US Pacific time to make your comment, so get to it! Three of you will be big winners! Also, a very special thanks to Xavier Lim and the folks at Bluefin Tamashii Nations! Not only do they bring us kick ass figures, they give you a chance to win ’em! And have you been scoping out their Facebook page, and demanding those awesome Sigma and Ride Armor figures get made? Oh my g-DO IT NOW!
Artwork by Hoketsu
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