OtaRockman 2012 Report
As we announced early last week, the last weekend in July was Otakon, and with it, “OtaRockman.” Unfortunately, there wasn’t nearly as much going on as in past years, with the cosplay gathering on Saturday being pretty much the one and only thing. And even then, the turnout wasn’t as great as in past years.
Still, we had fun, and you can check out the costumes and a few other Mega Man-related tidbits seen at the show in our huge picture gallery below.
Another angle of the group shot above.
A female Proto Man… er, Proto Woman? Proto Girl?
Our own Tabby as Proto Man. Were female Proto Men a thing this year?
Another Proto Man, this time from The Protomen, with a Mega Man from The Protomen. Proto-tastic!
Ryouko as Helios/Aeolus with AzureEmperor as Gregar.
Celebrating 25 years! Classic Mega Man and LBD “Nytetrayn” as Bad Box Art Mega Man.
Emerald as Sniper Joe from The Protomen.
Emerald as Sniper Joe from The Protomen after an encounter with Bad Box Art Mega Man. “Bad Box Art Sniper Joe! It’s been years! *click*”
The evil Dr. Wily, of course. Actually, he wasn’t so bad in person…
It was a bad day to be Dr. Wily…
Another Dr. Wily, one not at the mercy of arm cannons.
Wood Man was in attendance, but where was he when Wily needed him most?
As was Zero, but he and his actually-glowing Z-Saber were elsewhere.
…and Poochy as Lan! Battle Network, represent!
And Star Force is also in the hizzle, and ready to sizzle!
Terra as Pluto. Strange, isn’t it?
A group shot. TMMN and company are in the house!
Tron Bonne, minus the misadventures. But what would Tron be without…
…Servbots! Wait, something seems a little off about this one…
And finally, Captain N! Because his contributions to the liberation of Megaland shall never be forgotten.
In addition to the cosplaying, there was a decent amount of Mega Man merchandise to be found in the Dealer’s Room, provided you knew where to look. For instance…
…wall scrolls! There were a few different ones, including Classic and X series scrolls. There were some Mega Man t-shirts around, too.
Bluefin/Tamashii Nations was also there, and had a nice graphic on the side of their booth featuring Mega Man X, among their other offerings.
On the other side of their booth, they had some neat displays set up with the figures, including this one of D-Arts Zero Type 2 dueling with D-Arts Super Saiyan Trunks. Meanwhile, armored X is off to the side, shooting at visitors.
And in another case, we have Vile kindly offering a drink to his new friend, Mecha Godzilla, with X about the blast the purple Maverick in the back. What is with that guy today?
Sadly, the prototype Sigma and Ride Armor were not there, but we do have some info coming up on those for you.
And that wraps up another year of OtaRockman at Otakon. Until next year, Baltimore!
Thanks to JackScarab, Ryouko, Rick Cressen, and Wolfshadow for allowing the use of their photos– be sure to check out their linked galleries for more. We might have taken more of our own, but it turns out that iPhone touch screens don’t work well at all with rubber gloves. Go figure.
If you are featured unnamed in one of the pictures above and wish to be credited, just let us know and we’ll try to add it as soon as we can!
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