This Weekend is OtaRockman 2012
This year’s Otakon is going to be held from July 27th through July 29th at the Baltimore Convention Center in Baltimore, Maryland. And unfortunately, unlike in previous years, there is going to be no Mega Man panel at the convention. Not for a lack of trying, mind; we applied, they rejected.
And so it goes.
In addition, there won’t be much in the way of other activities such as the video game tournament held in years prior, either. But if you would like to take part in the annual cosplay gathering, that will be held as usual at 11am on Saturday morning in the area “behind” the Starbucks (as in, if you face them like standing in line, literally behind. Just keep going past until you see lots of blue). Tabby and I will be there, and it’s sure to be lots of goofy fun, so we hope to see you there!
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