Marvel vs. Capcom 2 Announced for iOS
Now it’s time to take Marvel vs. Capcom 2 for a ride. Capcom Unity announced on Friday that the legendary crossover sequel featuring Mega Man, Roll, Tron Bonne, Servbot, and many others will be released for iOS platforms (iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad) this Wednesday, April 25th in North America and Europe. While the price point is unknown, this iOS game will be available for purchase via Apple’s App Store.
Details are still sparse, but it appears that this port will include the full cast of characters and features from the original release. Given the uneven nature of iOS ports/remakes in the past, time will tell if the touch controls work well with MvC2‘s frantic nature.
So what do you all think? Will you be downloading MvC2, or will you keep the New Age of Superheroes a strictly arcade and console experience?
Source: Capcom-Unity
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