Solicitations for Archie’s Mega Man #16 and Trade Vol. 3: The Return of Dr. Wily
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Midtown Comics has posted a pair of solicitations and accompanying covers for two upcoming Mega Man releases from Archie. The first is for Mega Man #16, which concludes the “Spiritus ex Machina” story arc featuring Pharaoh Man, Dr. Cossack, Quake Woman, and Dr. Lalinde, among others. Meanwhile, the third trade-paperback, Mega Man: The Return of Dr. Wily, collects issues #9 to 12 into one volume, providing the complete adaptation of the Mega Man 2 adaptation.
No prices or release dates are given yet, but read on to see the covers and descriptions for each book.

“‘Spiritus ex Machina.’ The epic conclusion! The debate over the future of robotics reaches an explosive turning point, and with multiple lives hanging in the balance, the Robot Masters race against time to save their creators. Will one make the ultimate sacrifice to save their comrades? And will Dr. Lalinde’s tragic secret finally be revealed? Meanwhile, Dr. Wily welcomes the newest robot to his army – who is Break Man?”

“The hit new Mega Man series from Archie Comics continues! Mega Man is about to retire his Mega Buster forever – with Dr. Wily’s schemes defeated, our young hero thinks it’s safe to return to his life as a helper robot. Wrong! Dr. Wily returns with a vengeance, striking back with eight all-new Robot Masters! It’s up to Mega Man to take on the malicious Quick Man and his seven sinister robot brothers, foil Dr. Wily’s insidious schemes, and storm the mad machinist’s castle in a scale so epic you’ll have to see it to believe it! Collects issues #9-12!”
Thanks to Merricks for the tip!
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