Small (and Medium, and XL, and XXL) Update for the Mega Man T-Shirt Contest

Just a quick update for those of you who might have been interested in entering our Mega Man t-shirt giveaway, but were reluctant because the only size we had was Large.
Good news! The gatekeepers of the Capcom Store have loosened their grip, and we are now able to offer the winners of our raffle their choice of size in the t-shirt! Mind, if you don’t wear a Large, it may take a little longer for you to receive your prize. But not too long; our man Mainfinger has already received the batch Capcom sent out, so by that, we would guess that the extra wait would only be a matter of days.
Of course, if for whatever reason you’d rather not enter the contest to win, you can always swing by the Capcom Store yourself and grab any design you choose in any size you’d like for $19.95, be it the “Light’s Robot Repair Shop” logo, the “Wily Robotics” propaganda, or the box office hit “Full Mega Jacket” movie poster.
The rules and everything remain the same, and entries will be accepted through the end of the month, so don’t miss out!
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