Hints Begin to Trickle Forth Regarding SEGA/Bandai Namco/Capcom Project
It could be nothing… or, it might be everything: It’s up to you to decide.
Such is the general vibe from the latest update to the official site for the mysterious, unnamed project being collaborated on by SEGA, Bandai Namco, and Capcom we reported on previously. Whereas before, there were only the names of each company, clicking on each now reveals a group of three “X” shapes decorated in different colors.
NeoGAF has gathered them all together, and converted them into bars which resemble some minimalist art of characters that has been popping up a bit lately. From these, some are speculating as to the identity of the characters these may be meant to represent, with some believing that Chris, Leon, and Zero are those from the Capcom contingent.
Take a look for yourselves, and see if you can guess what these mysterious symbols are meant to represent.
Source: NeoGAF, via GoNintendo and Unknown
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