It’s Mega Man Music Video Mania!
Thanks to our fantastic and faithful fans, we have recently received tips about not one, but an amazing two new music videos based on the adventures of the Blue Bomber. And as far as we can tell, they are completely unrelated– what are the odds?
The first is “Mega Man Rap! Mega Man Gets Played” by Rawn and Dodger:
Okay, so they misspelled “Wily,” but even Capcom has made that mistake, so no one needs to harp on that. We do like the line “my mustache got more I.Q. than you,” though.
For the lyrics and more, check out the video on YouTube.
If you want something featuring more traditional music, James Berent sent us another based around Elec Man’s theme called “Elecman Battle” by MysteryJ12 and Dr3amland with The Plasmas. We aren’t embedding it here, as it contains some NSFW lyrics and material, but if you’d like to see it, then just click here.
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