Hey that looks like…
Meet Chapit. This assistant robot developed by Japanese robotics company Raytron in 2007 has since appeared at various robotics and technology expos in Japan. But really, I can’t help but feel it looks a bit familiar somehow…
Designed to be small, simple, and easy to use, Chapit can recognize people, communicate via voice with a vocabulary of up to 10,000 words (which is programmable), and can remotely turn on household lights and appliances. No word yet if it can dance, start a fire in your kitchen, or back up your memory to prevent it from being scanned by an oppressive computer system installed in a dead artificial paradise.
Sadly, Chapit is still just a concept and awaits an investor or two before it can go into production. I think Legends cosplayers definitely ought to hope it does! Just needs hands and a little brown paint. You can see Chapit in action here.
Thanks for the tip, Auto! (via Akihabara News)
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