Mega Man 25th Anniversary Logo Revealed?
Deep within the files and code of the iOS version of Mega Man X, something interesting was uncovered by Spanish gaming website Universal Gamer. Above is apparently logos for the 25th anniversary of Mega Man, featuring a rather stark difference to the style of the 20th anniversary logo (which we presently feature on our own site, albeit heavily modified).
While it was obviously generated by someone at Capcom and ended up in the game, though unused, I do question a little whether it’s intended to be the true logo. While I don’t mind the retro appeal to it, it still feels very “placeholder-like” to me; something considered for use or for testing but left out at the end. Maybe I’m biased but I’d like to see something a little cooler.
Final or not, though, it at least shows Capcom is thinking about Mega Man’s 25th anniversary, which of course is a good thing! I feel safe in saying it’s a hint that they’re planning for something to come down the pipe.
News Credit: Protodude’s Rockman Corner, Pedro
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