An In-Depth Look at Jollibee’s Mega Man Promotion
Jollibee, a chain of fast-food establishments native to the Philippines, is currently holding a Mega Man promotion in its kid’s meals (sharing the spot with Bratz toys for girls) until November 10th. And for the “Mega Man Power Fighters” side (an inspired name, to be sure), there are two toys to collect: figures of the Blue Bomber himself and Proto Man.
As kid’s meal toys go, these actually look pretty good! At least on the sculpting side; articulation isn’t what you would get on a Kotobukiya, D-Arts, or even a Jazwares figure, though Proto Man seems to come out slightly ahead on that front.
But for a better look at the figures, Bendaresall has provided us with the following video review, which goes over all of their details and features:
Though Jollibee has restaurants outside of the Philippines, including some in the United States, there has been no word yet of any locations outside of that country sharing in this promotion. But if you spot evidence to the contrary, feel free to drop us a tip!
For a closer look at other parts of the promotion, Bendaresall has provided us with some pictures, which you can see below.
First, we have the wrapper for the “Mega Man Mega Buster” figure, which describes its “fireball”-shooting action:
Next, we have the “Proto Man Light ‘N Shield” wrapper, which– as Bendaresall points out– has an amusing description of Proto Man being “set for a cyborg battle.”
To help promote the kid’s meal pack-ins, Jollibee has the following sign on display, which pairs the figures with some official art from Capcom:
And another shows which meal options are available:
A close-up of the food and pricing, for those curious. The cheapest is 80 pesos, or about $1.85 USD:
And finally, we have the full display, which shows the actual toys:
Now, if only Capcom and some fast-food establishment here would work out such a deal…
Hmm, incidentally, Wikipedia notes that Jollibee shares a parent company with Burger King. Do we dare to hope, to dream?
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