Available Now: Archie’s Mega Man, Volume 1: “Let the Games Begin!”

Speaking of the first volume of Archie’s Mega Man graphic novels, our friends at Archie have asked us to help spread the word about this recent release, as well as inform you of places you can find them.
First up, here is the official solicitation:
MEGA MAN is the hit new action-adventure series from Archie Comics! Dr. Light wanted to build a better tomorrow with his new Robot Masters, but the evil Dr. Wily reprogrammed them to take over the world! Now it’s up to one little robot to save us all – MEGA MAN! Don’t miss the first heroic adventures of Rock, a simple helper robot who takes up the fight for the greater good! This volume contains Rock’s transformation into Mega Man, his first battles with the famous Robot Masters, and his titanic clash with Dr. Wily!
MEGA MAN VOL. 1 collects MEGA MAN #1-4 plus variant covers, exclusive sketches and special features!
SCRIPT: Ian Flynn
ARTIST: Patrick “SPAZ” Spaziante, Chad Thomas, Ben Bates, Jamal Peppers, Rick Bryant, Gary Martin, John Workman and Matt Herms
COVER: Patrick “SPAZ” Spaziante
Direct Market On-sale: 9/7/2011
5 x 7 3/8” Trade Paperback 112 pgs
$11.95 US
There you have it: rather than running around and collecting every issue twice for the variant covers, you can have it all together in one rough-n-tumble package. And what’s more, you get extra art and features not included in the original releases!
So, the question remains: where do you get it?
For this, there are a few options. You should be able to find a comic book shop near you by calling 1-888-comicbook, or you can visit ComicShopLocator.com. If you don’t have a comic book shop near you, then regular book stores, such as Barnes & Noble, are also carrying it. If they don’t have it in stock, you can usually ask any of these retailers to order it, though you may want to bring in the ISBN number (listed above the dimensions in the solicit) just to be safe.
And finally, if none of those options are sufficient, there is always the world of online ordering. The most direct route to take would be to go straight to the Mega Man store on the Archie Comic Shop, where you can also order individual back-issues (for the hardcore collector), or a subscription to the monthly book.
Or, you can also find the book on Amazon.com, where you can get it for less (31 percent off at $8.26, as of this writing) and bundle it with other fun stuff (including the upcoming second volume) to qualify for their free Super Saver Shipping on orders of $25 or more.
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