Surprise Character in Smash Bros De-make!
What do you get when you combine Super Smash Bros with the GameBoy…? Why, a retroesque, low-resolution, greenish de-make called Super Smash Land of course!
This PC fan-game, which has been in the works for quite a while, is now finally available free for download, featuring six playable characters, eleven stages, 4-player mode and more!
The character roster may be small for a Smash Bros game, but do mind that creator Dan Fornace finally fulfills the one wish that many fans had since the initial announcement of Super Smash Bros Brawl…
That’s right, now you can smash your thumbs sore with the Blue Bomber… or should I say Shades-of-Green Bomber? Anyway, his inclusion comes complete with a fitting Skull Castle Stage.
Watch the trailer to see the game in action:
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