Vote Mega Man in the Newest Nintendo Power Poll
The latest poll has just been posted for the upcoming Nintendo Power volume 270. And going by a lot of the questions, there would seem to be a Super Nintendo Entertainment System theme planned for the issue, no doubt celebrating the 20th anniversary of the classic console’s August 23rd, 1991 release.
And luckily for us, we have an opportunity to express our appreciation for the Blue Bomber. Or rather, for the Mega Man X series, and showing Capcom that there is still a passionate fanbase for the series in the West.
The questions featuring Mega Man X options are as follows:
– Which Super NES hero is your favorite? – Mega Man X (Mega Man X)
– Which Super NES villain is your favorite? – Sigma (Mega Man X)
– Which was the best third-party publisher for Super NES? – Capcom
– Which third-party 16-bit game would you most want to see get a modern revival? – Mega Man X
In addition, another question which might be useful is “Have you been on the Nintendo eShop for the Nintendo 3DS system yet?” With any luck, a sufficient number of “yes” answers might keep Capcom on the straight and narrow where developing Mega Man Legends 3 is concerned.
And, finally, Mega Man Legends 3 also remains one of the multiple options you can select for the question “Which Nintendo 3DS games are you most looking forward to?” At this point, every little bit helps!
So click here, and vote! For everlasting Mega Man!
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