Kotobukiya Zero Gets Some Much Needed Color
He has been looking a bit pale after all. Today on “Rockman Day” in Japan, Kotobukiya has revealed photos and details of the finished, full color Zero model kit from Mega Man Zero. Accessory-wise, Zero comes with the Z-Saber, the Buster Gun and the Z-Knuckle. He also has two faces, as well as seemingly alternate eye sets allowing him to look off to the side. It also features some pretty bad ass box art.
Originally the model kit was going to release in Japan this month, but due to delays it is now hitting store shelves in October. It will still see the standard price of ¥3,200 (roughly $39.94 US right now). Check out many more pictures here.
News Credit: CAP Kobun
Filed under...Mega Man
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