MML3 Devroom: MegaMan Design Round 2 – FIGHT!
Or, VOTE! rather. MegaMan’s fashion crisis continues on and it’s up to us to resolve things. However, given the results of the last poll, backers of designs B and C were pretty close. So those designs have been redefined in the new D and E designs, which have taken into account user feedback as well as analysis over MegaMan’s appearance in the game. What’s interesting to note is that the new designs have been made with the idea that the game will appeal to an older audience. I wonder if that mindset is going into other aspects as well, like the story? Also, some particular advice to keep in mind before you vote:
As a bit of advice, or perhaps a request, I hope that you’ll see these designs for what they are, and not get hung up on how the designs have changed since the previous poll. Try to forget about the previous round and just focus on what’s before your eyes now when you make your judgment. What impressions do they leave on you? What do you like or dislike?
So this will be the deciding factor. D or E, the result of this is what we play! Decide what you like and make your voice heard! You have until next Thursday, the 26th, 6PM PST. Aside from that, you can also check out the article for some insight into Roll’s new design.
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