MML3 Prototype Contest Update: Whole Kit and Caboodle
Good day folks. I hope you are all getting very excited now that we know just when Mega Man Legends 3: Prototype Version is coming out! I also hope you’ve been working hard on your contest entries. Remember that the time for entries is up on midnight, May 31st. That’s a Tuesday, so you have just a little more than two weeks left to devise and execute your campaign. Especially because now, we finally have the entire gamut of prizes figure out! Not only is this our biggest contest ever, I’d be pretty amazed if we could ever top it.
Before I get into the prizes, however, I want to speak on some things we’re looking forward to from all of you. We’ve gotten some emails so far, some showing off works in progress and some asking questions. While we can’t help you out too much, I can personally say you’re all on the right track. I’ve yet to see anything that conflicts with the meager rules we’ve set. You all need to keep in mind, however, that we want your projects to be launched upon an unsuspecting public! While making promotional items or setting up a website is one thing, you need to also make sure people see it, and better yet get them interested in Mega Man Legends 3! To this end you need to document as much as possible. If you hold a party or hand out fliers, for example, take pictures! If you launch a support fansite, make sure you track how much it gets around!
It is up to you to figure out how to promote your project, but I will throw you one bone. Capcom Unity is a great place to show stuff off. You can post in their forums and your own CU blog (just be sure you follow their site rules). Heck, if it’s cool enough, Capcom Unity may even toss it on their front page. That’s a major publicity score! Additionally, we want you to document everything as detailed as possible not just for the sake of your entry. After the contest is over, we plan on making a mega-post showing off everyone’s efforts, which we hope will be a white-hot supernova of fan support, and show the world just how big a deal Mega Man Legends 3 is!
Oh right, so prizes!
[audio:https://themmnetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Theme-Price-Is-Right.mp3|titles=Theme – Price Is Right] You may want to play this music as you look over the prizes for added effect.
First off, we naturally have our Nintendo 3DS. This was announced at the onset of the contest and goes to the grand prize winner. Oh, and just so you know, that’s MY 3DS box in the picture, simply for effect. We are still waiting to pick up the winning 3DS. We also have three D-Arts Rockman X figures. Along with the grand prize winner, a second and third place runner up will get one as well.
Next up, we have five Servbot Bobble Buds, as well as five 15 x 20 Mega Man Legends 3 posters. This is the first time I’ve been able to show the full poster, and I can assure just how awesome they are. I’ve been tempted to keep one. So, the grand prize winner and second and third place winners will be getting one each, as well as two honorable mentions.
Finally, we have our “special prizes.” You may have noticed that though we have “second” and “third” place, they’re getting exactly the same things so far. This is what tips the scale. The grand prize winner and runner ups will be able to choose which special prize they want, in order of placement (I guess, technically, third place doesn’t get to choose, eheh). What are the special prizes? Well first we have another Legends 3 poster, but this isn’t any ordinary poster. This one is signed by the Mega Man Legends 3 devteam! Next, we have a complete copy of Mega Man X. It’s not a mint copy; the box has a bit of wear and the manual has been written in, but it’s still pretty rare to find a complete one of these today. Finally we have a more or less mint copy of Mega Man 8 for PSX. It comes with the game and case, the manual and the special 10th anniversary booklet. I’ve not been able to test the games, although they’re more collectors items today anyway.
And that’s that! Although we do have some very special thanks in order. First of all, many thanks to Jaxel, a former TMMN member who still offers help time to time. He provided the copies of Mega Man X and Mega Man 8. Next is special thanks to Greg over at Capcom Unity. He’s already been working tirelessly to connect you guys with the MML3 devteam, but for this occasion he also provided the signed poster and Bobble Buds. As is with so many of our major site projects, we can’t just do things on our own, and it’s thanks to others we can give so much.
And of course, thanks to all of you entering! Even if it’s just a little, your support and activity is helping to make Mega Man Legends 3 a reality and a success. Please show us your best!
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