Rockman Maniax the Next Manga Release
If you think we’ve been getting Mega Man comics out the wazoo, you still haven’t seen anything yet. An updated listing on Wedge Holding’s Brain Navi site has Hitoshi Ariga’s “Rockman Maniax” slated for a release in Japan in June. Originally, Rockman Maniax was a serialized comic appearing in Comic Bonbon from 1997 to 1998 (and were reprinted in later releases of Rockman Megamix). According to CAP Kobun, it’s planned this compilation would not just contain these gag comics, but also the original “Destruction Order” and “Rockman X Megamissions” comics from Rockman Remix, various other 4-panel comics, and a compilation of various concept arts for prize campaigns and such.
Additionally, CAP also believes he heard Ariga mention on the Spiceman live stream (presumably where the rest of this info originated) that the compilation will also include the “For Whose Sake” mini-manga that was released with the Rockman 9 Arranged Soundtrack.
Details seem a touch sketchy, but at any rate it is more Hitoshi Ariga manga. And since it’s coming from Wedge Holdings, there’s a good chance this will be a future prospect for UDON to grab!
News Credit: CAP Kobun’s Daletto Blog
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