The TMMN Minicast #005 – Captivate!
The coolest bunch of guys you ever saw. You wish you were this cool.
It’s time for another Minicast, and this one is a bit different. Today’s show was actually recorded live from Captivate 2011! But of course, it’s not so live today. Still, you can just imagine you were there! Joining me on the show is the biggest ensemble yet, with my fellow Captivate invites Zonic, Shockwave, FH and The Switcher, as well as a major league Capcom Unity crew with jgonzo, Snow and Sven.
Since there was really nothing for Mega Man at the event, I expected this to be a pretty quick show, something just for fun. But it ballooned into quite a big discussion of Captivate’s offerings! We do talk a bit about the future of Mega Man, since I knew a lot of fans were concerned following the cancellation of Universe. But the Capcom guys assure us Legends 3 is still going strong and Mega Man is not a brand to just throw away. Afterwards, Snow takes over a bit so we can all discuss the titles that were shown. If you’re curious about a lot of the new things revealed, who better to hear it from than the fans!
I’ll also just mention that the audio quality is going to be a bit difference since it was not the usual Skype call, but rather all of us sitting around Shockwave’s fancy pants Snowball mic. So there’s more of a disparity among voice levels and more background noise in general. Still, with a ton of talk about cool games, you can handle it! Enjoy!
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