More Mega Man Tribute Entries for Your Viewing Pleasure
While the jury is still out on which entries will make it into the final, published version of UDON Entertainment’s upcoming fan-based homage to the Blue Bomber, Mega Man Tribute, it appears that you can now get a look at some of the submissions made by non-UDON employees.
Capcom Europe’s blog made note of this earlier today by posting their favorite, an interesting pic of a cheerful Mega Man hopping over an interesting-looking Met, as rendered by Eduardo Dominguez.
That’s not the only image available, however. They link to Justin Page’s Rampaged Reality blog, where a handy “UDON” tag helpfully gathers a number of other contest entries which really help to show off the variety of styles and ideas which will likely be making their way into the final product (pending Capcom’s eagerly-awaited approval, of course).
So have a look, and discuss which ones are your favorites in the comments below.
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